The Mental Arts Tidbit
Current Musing
I’ve been seeking more places of peace and stillness lately, especially in this noisy world that I live in. In order to find places of stillness, I’ve been trying to be more intentional with my actions and observe areas in which I might be generating noise.
Finding stillness in my life has both doing and non-doing activities. By “doing,” activities, these are generally the things that you hear about when it comes to mental well-being: things like journaling, meditating, breathing, walking (especially in nature), tidying, etc.
However, this idea of non-doing is something that is new to me. By non-doing, I mean to refrain from things that I would normally default to in order to fill the space.
I discovered that I wasn’t comfortable with silence. So I played with the idea of not speaking if I was focused on something else.
So, if I’m washing the dishes, playing a game at my computer, folding clothes, reading, or eating, I try to only do that activity and that activity alone. I’m not holding a conversation at the same time.
I like this experiment of stillness.
Taking a pause to really feel what is happening around me.
It’s quite amazing.